Letters To Brat
From All His Adoring And Scary Fans

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always been his biggest fan and I have seen all of his movies and I buy everything I can with him on it, in it, or under it and I think he's really cool and I think he'd really like me if he met me and we could sit there and I could watch him drink beer and smoke while strange women come to massage his feet outside his trailer and I hope one day I can decorate my room with Brat sheets and pillowcases for my bed, Brat posters on all the walls, Brat socks with scenes from his movies, and a Brat shower curtain.
I wish that some of your pictures on your site were bigger because I kept clicking on them and clicking on them and nothing happened. I kept clicking on them until one of my cats (named Brat -- WHAT ELSE!!!!!) jumped up on the keyboard and started clawing at the screen.
Cause there is this one picture there that looks just like this boy at school I know who looks just like Brat and I always go "you look just like Brat" and he always goes "no I don't" and I go "yes you do" and he goes "no I don't" and I go "yes you do" and then he goes "Brat is a fag" and then I say "well if Brat is a fag then you are a fag."
I think he likes me but I am really saving myself for Brat!!!!!!
I have so many questions!!! How I can get an autographed photo of Brat? What is his favorite flavor of cough syrup? How many pizzas can he eat in an hour? Does he like cats named Brat? Does he have any funny stories about his toes? If he had it all to do over again, would he still part his hair in the middle?
I love your site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess Jasmine

This was the first letter I received, and Brat was so flattered he smoked a cigar in sweet Jasmine's honor.

Dear Brat, I just want to say that I really worship your movies, especially The Giant, and I was wondering if any of them will be out on video soon? Also, I think that you've got one rockin' bod and I was wondering, will you go out with my grandma, 'cause Shinoh's site says you two are about the same age... Keep on making my grandma smile!

Love, Zach Ty

Remember, I don't write 'em, I just receive 'em...

Now for some letters about the page...

I love your site...although I am kinda worried that only 2152 people have visited. I can personally tell you that I am the cause of about 15 of those hits :-) Keep up the good work. Perhaps one day you will get a real job? (j/k!) See YA~!

This page on Brat Renfro is hilarious! Did you write it and come up with the concept yourself? It's like Saturday Night Live material on a web page. Very cool. When I fix my web page, your URL will be at the top of my links page!!! BTW, I'm not a 13 yr. old fanatic. Siobhan, Marigold08@aol.com

Your Brat Renfro web page is hysterical. Thanks. KF

I didn't know whether to scream at you or compliment you..heh heh...but anyways, good job! :-) -Terra
Terra's Brad Renfro Homepage http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/7998/

That was good. That was VERY good. We are impressed. -- yours, flickguy
Visit my Star Trek page at http://lonestar.texas.net/~darren and my Movie page at http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/4860

Your page is hilarious!!! Who is the person posing for Brat Renfro? Is that you or a friend? I am designing my own web page and I already have a link for you set up. I'll let you know as soon as the page is up and running. thanks!!! Lisa

Extremely cool. Extremely wicked. Haven't enjoyed myself this much for ages.
C.H. Bik (Mai Zhihao Kelvin)

Hey Shinoh, Your Brat page is excellent! I laughed my ass off! Whoever "Brat" is does an excellent job of spoofing Brad Renfro's teen idol pictures. It looks just like some of the best teen idol "worship" pages. BRAVO!!! Mark

Hi Shinoh. I saw your page a few months back and really laughed hard! You've done a great job. Your acidic brand of humor is just like mine. Keep up the good work too! [ELFMAN]

You should be congratulated - you have one of the more original designs/ideas I have seen on the net in months :-)See Ya! Aaron