Sheena's Totally Awesome Love Page Dedicated To
Donovan Daylor Thomas
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DDT Rulez!!!

He stars on the CBA hit series Some Improvement and he is the cutest, smartest, hottest, sweetest, and shortest guy in the world! 

Here's DDT when he was younger - isn't he the most precious little love muffin?

On my DDT page you'll find some serious articles & background info on this hot star, but mainly, I have concentrated on rumors and innuendo. Please send me some juicy tidbits about our fave celebrity to fill this page so I don't have to work so hard at it. I've got a busy life.  

Also, if you have your own DDT site, please tell me its URL so that I can visit you frequently and leave disparaging remarks about your grandmother in your guestbook.
who I am email me! my inspiration
DDT interview about DDT his films rumors
other DDT droolpages
DDT's stats

Hi! This little yellow box serves no purpose other than to decoratively set apart this portion of text which has no bearing on any topic discussed on this page. Thanks for reading!
Real Name: Ishmael Gonzalas 
Nickname: Cutie-pie Woogum-biscuits 
Date and location of birth: September 31, 1981, Bethlehem, under the brightest star
Height: 3' 1" 
Zodiac sign: No Parking 
Marital status: Single, but seeing a waffle cone
Sex: Sieben, acht, neun, zehn 
Favorite color: Goat orange 
Favorite animal: Head lice 
Favorite chair: department
optimized for Nutscape Irritator 3.14 - last updated May '98
about DDT
Donovan has been the business a long time. Perhaps you remember him as a young boy when he played the role of a cucumber sandwich in "The Last Day's Goodbye" starring Robert Urich. This cameo was only the beginning for the aspiring young actor. Many more challenges and astounding roles lie ahead. But things weren't always so bright for this little cutie-wootie-wittle sugar pie. No siree. There were the dark times when he was forced to sell his spit for pretzels. And then there were the drugs: Flintstones vitamins. Unfortunately these deadly and addictive hallucinogens took their toll on his body, giving him want is commonly referred to as "Gary Coleman Syndrone." Despite all these downfalls, Donovan has risen up above all that to become the biggest child star in the history of the universe. Pictured right is his appearance at the Nickedfallopian Kid's Choice Awards where he unanimously won the award for "Most Appearances On A Informationless Teen Idol Magazine," beating out Handscum by 3 to 1.
back to index From Nickedfallopian Kid's Choice Awards
his films
Starring DDT

1. Wiled America (1997)...Marshmellow Stuffer
2. "Odd Kids, The" (1996)...Scarecroak,Jr.
3. Adventures of Pineoakio, The (1996)(voice)...Pineoakio
4. Flag Day in Oz (1996)(voice)...Scarecroak, Jr.
5. Spam of the House (1995)...Bent Starcher
6. Tom and Schmuck (1995)...Tom Sewer
7. Lyin' Thing (1994)(voice)...Young Bimbo
8. "Some Improvement" (1991) TV Series...Ranty Trailor

DDT and Brat Renfro in
Tom and Schmuck
back to index Used without persmission from Dis-knee Pictures - so nah!
an interview with DDT
back to index
This is the Interview my Aunt Shinoh did with DDT!

SHINOH: Well hello, Donovan! How are you doing today?
DDT: Oh, pretty cool. I was just hanging out in chat rooms pretending to be myself.
SHINOH: Chat rooms? Oh, I love em! You ever go in #gaydogchess? You ever go in there?
DDT: Uh, I don't think so...
SHINOH: Oh, believe me, you'd remember, sweetheart. Anyway, so how does it feel to be wrapping up Some Improvement?
DDT: Well, kinda weird I guess. I'll miss some things like goofing off with the cast or beating up Al, but I think the one thing I'll be glad to get away from is watching the make-up people shave Tim's back hair for shirtless shots.
SHINOH: Wow, he is pretty fuzzy I bet.
DDT: Uh, yeah.
SHINOH: Now, I had always heard that you and Brat Renfro didn't get along on the set of Tom and Schmuck...
DDT: That is totally not true. We were the best of buds. I taught him how to be "winningly adorable," and he taught me how to drink a Bud while smoking two cigarettes through my nose. We learned from each other.
SHINOH: It sure sounds like it! So, what made you get into acting?
DDT: When I was a little kid I used to watch fat Oriental guys on TV slapping each other with fish while dancing to Rod Stewart's "Do You Think I'm Sexy?" and it was then that I knew I wanted to get into show biz.
SHINOH: I'm not sure what all that meant, but it scares me. Speaking of scary, what was it like working with Chevy Chase in Spam of the House?
DDT: Well, it was kinda like watching a wounded animal. His career had got hit by a Mack truck years ago, but here was now, barely alive, still lying along the side of the road with his guts hanging out in a grotesque and obscene tangle.
SHINOH: Oh gosh, would you look at the time! Well, Donovan, thanks for talking with me!
DDT: No prob, Shinoh. By the way, did you bring your recipe for red raspberry muffins?
SHINOH: Oh, geez, I'm such a silly nilly nutball! I'm sorry, I left it at home, dear.
DDT: That's okay, Shinoh. Sometimes it happens to the best of us.

Shocking News!
DDT Comes Out Of The Closet
"I was just getting my coat," confessed the startled star

Nikki and Jonathan
Finally, Dear Readers, all the nagging questions and floating rumors can be put to rest. Yesterday, inside his Los Angeles bungalow, Donovan Daylor Thomas came out of the closet for all the world to see.
"It was chilly out, so I decided to grab a jacket. When I came out a big ol' flashbulb went off in my face! Is no one safe?"
Apparently not. Celebrity photographer and dishwasher Randy Fishbone, who was disguised as a Puertorican cleaning lady, is credited for snapping the famed photo. This has been the most talked about and contraversial Hollywood revelation since Danny Pintaro retracted his statement about being gay, insisting that he was merely a big fan of Barbara Streisand and brie on toast, and had gotten confused.
So what does all this mean for the shrimpy star, just ending his nine year sitcom reign? Probably nothing, actually. All people care about is Leotardo DiCappucino. I don't know why I even bother to report these juicy stories, nobody pays any attention to me. Maybe I'll start writing poetry, using only a green pen.

other DDT homepages
  Links for Donovan Daylor Thomas

Donovan's Fun Club
Donovan's Hellish Torture Club
DDT Oscillating Fan Page
The DDT Cutie-wootie Sugar Lumps Page
DDT's Albino Flying Midgets Page
Some Page That Mentions DDT in It Once, Some Place...
List Of DDT's Favorite Diseases
Pesticides and DDT
11 Sites About DDT That All Look Exactly Alike
Long John Silver's DDT and Fish Page


who I am

About Me...
Hi there!!! I'm Sheena Sheknows! My Aunt Shinoh set me up with my own cool page so I could put up millions of pictures of my favorite actor: the cutest, sweetest-smelling, sock-wearing, kumquat-loving, God-fearing, fishstick-eating, most perfect boy in the world--DDT!!!!

Aunt Shinoh's pages:
Official BRAT RENFRO Page
Long live Herbie Hancock!
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