

The year: 1964. The location: the Bronx. It is the disturbing story of the friendships between four boys who are sent to a juvenile facility for the accidental homocide of a street mime. After being congratulated by the mayor and hailed by the community as heroes, the boys are still shipped off to be abused by a sadistic guard named Yokes, who forces the poor young lads to sniff his stinky slippers night after night. Ten years later, the boys seek revenge by having their local priest friend lie in court, even though it will send him deep into the never-ending torturous bowels of hell for all eternity.

The Cast
Father Slobby...........ROBERT MUCHODINERO
Sean Yokes..............KEVIN BACONBITS
Fanny Cider.............BUSTIN DOFFMAN
Mikel..................BRAT RENFRO
Older Mikel............BRAD ARMPITT
Borenzo................JOE PURINA
Older Borenzo......JASON GERIATRIC

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